17th November 2014

JING Advanced Clinical Massage Certificate

JING Advanced Clinical Massage Certificate

When I first moved to Brighton, I met someone who told me that the best place in the country to train in massage was here in Brighton, at the JING institute of Advanced Massage Training. It reminded me of my passion for healing and inspired me to change my career, follow my dreams, and train with them.

I began training with JING as soon as I’d qualified (with distinction!) and now have several of their post-grad courses under my belt, and more certificates than I know what to do with! I’ve also almost finished the Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist Certificate (ACMT), which spans a year of study.

Last month we had the Upper Body Mastery review days. Going back over protocols for helping people suffering from low back pain, rotator cuff pain, shoulder and neck pain, and arm & wrist pain. We looked specifically at how to help treat common injuries and pain in these areas, such as RSI, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injury and whiplash. It’s all been so helpful for all the clients I’ve treated since.

Last weekend I dedicated 3 days to an Advanced Sports Stretching course. Effective stretching is an essential part of massage therapy and can provide exceptional results in the rehabilitation of chronic pain conditions. We covered how to stretch every major joint and muscle in the body safely and effectively, and after three days of being stretched myself, I know it definitely works!

You see, a massage isn’t simply a relaxing experience, like many people think. The power of touch can be immense and the massage industry is trying to educate people about just how beneficial massage can be. Don’t just take my word for it, book in for a session to experience it for yourself!

Recently completed courses

• 27 November – 1 December: Advanced No Hands Massage

• 12 – 14 December: Advanced Sports Stretching

Upcoming courses

• 8-9 January: Hip & Pelvis Advanced Massage

• 5-6 February: Leg, knee & foot Advanced Massage