What to Expect / How I Work

Your back hurts and there’s a niggling pain in your shoulder.  You’ve got a headache .  As you’ve been sitting still for an hour so in the same position, your joints are stiff.  You’re quite frankly, out of sorts.

You need a massage.  Specifically, you need one of my massage treatments.  What can you expect?

Arrive a few minutes early if you’re new

We’ll discuss your needs and your medical history if appropriate.  Don’t forget to check with your doctor of you have any specific health concerns which you think may affect your treatment.

Ask questions. This is your time and I want you to make the most of it.  You deserve it.

Choose your music

Take your pick: classical, chilled Ibiza, spa music or xxxx.  Up to you.

What happens during the treatment?

I’ll let you know how long it will last and what you may need to do during the session (how best to lie on the massage table or whether you will be switching position half way through).  I’ll gently move your arms, head or legs if necessary.

Of course, alert me immediately if you experience any discomfort or pain during your treatment.

And Relax

Don’t worry. This isn’t like having your hair done. We won’t be talking about the weather or your summer holidays.  Close your eyes and drift off.  If you fall asleep don’t worry – I’ll take it as a compliment!

It’s all over.  Take your time

Don’t rush to get dressed immediately.  Take a couple of minutes to reflect and switch your brain on again before meeting me outside the treatment room.

How will I feel afterwards?

You’ll feel great – relaxed, revitalised or refreshed, depending on your treatment. You may find that you experience increased energy or a sense of heightened awareness, which can last a few days.


To drink lots of water

To Book your next treatment!

Now.  Isn’t that a whole lot better?