Massage treatments are very popular in the Henfield, Brighton & Hove area! Here’s a just few good reasons to book with me:
1. My Background and Qualifications
No time for modesty, I guess: I was the only person on my course to gain a Distinction in ITEC Diploma Level 3 in Holistic Massage (and again for the Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology).
I’m also proud to be a JING Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist (ACMT) Postgraduate. I was the only person from Brighton to attend my particular course at this renowned training school.
I focus continuously on improving my skills and techniques for the benefit of my clients.
2. My Private Treatment Room
I work from my self contained home-based treatment room in Henfield & Hove. Everything is comfortable, warm and cosy, with plenty of pristine, squishy towels on my treatment table. Nice.
3. A Tailored Initial Consultation
Our one-to-one consultation, including a detailed questionnaire will establish your medical history, any health concerns you may have and whether there are any specific physical ailments you would like me to help address.
If necessary, we also do “before and after” testing (a stiff neck for example).
4. I truly understand the power of touch
Massage isn’t just a nice-to-have.
It also has the power to help reduce stress and alleviate tension. I know well the link between the body and the mind. I’ll be able to see and feel where you may be carrying emotional pain, for example. I won’t draw attention to it but I’d like to think that my gentle touch and empathy may be able to alleviate some of your physical manifestations of sorrow, stress, or grief.
The warmth of human touch is quite remarkable. I hope that I can help to make things better for you.
5. Choose your music
Spa Music? Classical? Chilled Ibiza? Or something else? Up to you.