Is it time for a ‘clear out’? Have you over-indulged, or do you feel sluggish? My Detox Treatment is a powerful process, combining reflex points in your feet with a deep and powerful Colon Treatment. Your body’s natural instinct to detoxify and cleanse itself will be stimulated, leaving you feeling lighter, clearer and rebalanced.
The 4-week Detox Package consists of a one-hour treatment each week for four weeks, for £100 – saving £60!
One-off Detox Treatments are also available for £40.
Like most natural therapies, massage has a cumulative effect, meaning that when you have regular sessions, one or two weeks apart, you will notice more benefits each time. Your body ‘remembers’ how good it felt after the previous sessions and automatically starts to release tension the moment you get on the massage table. This means that your third session is 10 X more effective than your first.
By stimulating the reflexes on your feet, we can affect and detoxify the whole body, and restore the normal functioning of glands and organs.
The colon is our main organ of elimination. If the colon stops working properly, then the body starts to re-absorb toxins in a process called auto-intoxication. Toxins create illness and weaken the system. Poor colon health can cause anything from low energy, irritation, and bad breath to chronic lower back pain and weakened immunity. Massage ‘wakes up’ the muscles of the colon by toning and stimulating it, and restoring it to its optimum health, enabling it to cleanse the body of toxins and chemicals.
As with any detox programme, the following are also advised: daily self-colon massage; daily dry body brushing to stimulate lymph and blood circulation for the removal of impurities from under the skin’s surface; taking regular baths to soften and cleanse the skin (the body’s largest eliminative organ); eating a healthy and balanced diet; and ensuring optimum hydration levels, by drinking 2 litres of water a day and reducing caffeine and alcohol intake.
I look forward to helping you with your January detox – contact me today: / 07855 062493