3rd Jan 2016

I love a massage. There is literally nothing like switching your brain to “off” while expert hands work their magic on you. Whenever I visit Rosie I weave my way home afterwards and I’m so relaxed I have trouble forming sentences. Or so my husband says. He likes this, it means I’m quiet for a while.

The problem is, you see: my back and shoulders. I’ve always been very right-handed therefore the right hand side of my body takes the burden of shopping bags, a handbag, briefcase, anything really.   Many is the time I have realised that I am lolloping, Quasimodo-style along the street with all my worldly goods draped over one side of my body. Madness.

Also, I’ve gone through a tough time this year and I reckon I carry grief and stress in certain sections of my back. Some people do, apparently, and it makes for one heck of a postural car crash. My back often ached spontaneously and from innate physical responses, I reckon.

So…how bloomin’ wonderful to hear that my FAVOURITE massage specialist in the world EVER, the lovely Rosie Beale, has developed her Hot Stone Fusion Massage treatment, just for ladies and gents like you and me.


First offered at the original Stone Spa in New York, hot stones are great at relaxing aching muscles for an extraordinarily result: almost immediate, total bliss. The therapist can work more deeply, much more quickly.

Rosie’s Hot Stone Fusion is a highly effective combination of her “normal” massage therapy but with the addition of hot stones. Variously using her hands, forearms and a selection of high quality (but not too hot) basalt stones kept to a standard temperature, Rosie managed to relax my tired old muscles so quickly that I struggled to stay awake. I believe I mumbled a couple of appreciative responses during the treatment, but I’m not sure.

Because I go for maximum laziness, I always prefer just to lie on my front during my treatment, which meant that Rosie could get to work in depth on my wonky back. You can feel the hot stones: they’re warm enough to get into your muscles’ aches and pains but don’t worry, they’re just at the right temperature to do their job and they won’t burn you.

The lovely thing about this Fusion treatment, is that Rosie can combine it with almost all of the other therapies that she offers. For example, I reckon this would be great if you have any sports injuries or if you’ve pulled a muscle. It’s also perfect if you just fancy a wonderfully relaxing treatment to take you away from your everyday Stuff to Do.

Do check it out. You can have a one-hour treatment or, if you really don’t mind losing the power of speech completely, Rosie also offers an hour and a half treatment.

I loved it. You will, too.

BIG FAN. Susan Beckingham